About Us...

Silvermane Security was founded in early 2011 and is managed by three brothers, Rykan, Trisstan and Rhama. The trio has traveled the entire planet of Azeroth and maintains diplomatic immunity with numerous factions, allowing them to work without scrutiny when necessary. Currently they are employed by Don Yunara, but have been known to accept new clients in extreme circumstances. Confidence is guaranteed.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Brothers

Rykan Silvermane - Chief Financial Officer

As the oldest of the trio, you would think Rykan would take the reigns of the company, but when his younger brother, Trisstan came up with the crazy idea to put their skills to better use than merely galvanting the world, he knew leadership was not for him.  Instead, Rykan maintains the books, accounting for every copper, silver or gold spent.  He is happy with the arrangement and allows Trisstan to call the shots.

Trisstan Silvermane - Chief Executive Officer

Trisstan is the second born of the family and also the practical joker of the trio.  Sadly it's usually his older brother, Rykan who ends up being the brunt of his pranks, but lately he's found a new victim, Talmai Boldrunner, Lord Blackstone, Leader of the Mistreaver Syndicate.  Still, Trisstan can be serious when on the job and is known for his ability to get things done.

Rahma Silvermane - Chief Operating Officer

As the youngest, Rahma is torn between who's footsteps he really wishes to follow in.  He adores both his older brothers but often finds himself in the middle of their arguments.  As the COO of the trio, it's his job to ensure the equipment is always ready, the contracts are signed and the job is completed to the clients satisfaction.

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